Making your Python code cleaner on VSCode

Making your Python code cleaner on VSCode

As you start acquiring more experience and start shifting from working on projects to working on products, you realize how much important it is for the code to be clean, understandable by others, and organized.

Here in this post, I'll explain, how you can work on the clean code part by setting up black on VSCode.

Firstly what is black? Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter , which helps you formatting your python files as per the pip8 style coding. You can read more about black here.

Now, let's start setting up black on our VSCode.

  • Installing black the env you're working on either the virtual env or local python, to do so you need to use the following command : $ pip install black

  • Now make sure you have the Python extension installed in your VSCode.You can either do that by :

    • Going to the Extensions tab and searching Python and installing the first one
    • Accessing the quick open by "CTRL+P" and write the following command to install the extension : ext install ms-python.python


  • Now go to your VSCode settings by pressing "CTRL+," and make sure to do the following :
    • Search format on save and make sure it's ticked/checked.
    • Search python formatting and make sure black is selected.

The settings after the above steps should look like this :

image.png image.png

And Voila, you're all done. Now open any python file, work on it, and when you save the file it will automatically be formatted.

I hope this article helped you to make your code cleaner. Don't forget to comment with your valuable suggestions and feedback. In case you want to connect with me, follow the links below:

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